OUR HISTORY The Legend of Indian Queen Lane Indian Queen Lane has been on maps as far back as 1692 when it was the main trail from East Falls to Philadelphia. This former Native American path wound up from the river, past what is now the Queen Lane Reservoir. A 1950s newspaper discovered in the Schuylkill Baptist Church down the road uncovered “lost moments” in East Falls history, including the legend of Indian Queen Lane.“Originally an Indian trail, it was named for an Indian Queen who is supposed to have lived in the house at the bottom of the hill after she abandoned the wigwams of her forebears for the four-walled comforts of the white man.”Today, Indian Queen Lane is the little part closest to the river. The old highway to Philly is now chopped up into Queen Lane, Abbotsford, and Germantown Avenues. From The Archives Contact Us Renovations Today